Dog Health...
Below are our articles on the subject of Dog Health. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Caring for Older Dogs
As dogs age, they slow down – just as people do. Therefore, dogs require fewer calories on a daily basis in order to maintain their body weight, or to lose those few…...

Caring for Your Dog in Winter
The most common ailment to afflict dogs in the winter is cracked and sore pads. The cause of which is de-icing salt. The salt dries out the pads, which causes the…...

Choosing a Vet
Do not conduct your vet search when your pet is ill and in need of immediate medical attention. Choosing the right clinic takes due diligence on your part....

Coping When Your Dog Dies
Dogs are more than pets, they are unquestionably man’s (and woman’s) best friend. So when your best friend dies, it is heartbreaking....

First Aid for Your Dog
When owning a dog it is imperative that you know how to administer basic first aid. To be able to act immediately if a dog is injured or is taken ill means that you…...

Flea Prevention
Fleas are ugly, nasty parasites that are one of the most difficult critters to get rid of. Which is why, prevention - all year long, is necessary....

Getting Your Dog Neutered
We’ve all heard that spaying or neutering dogs helps control the pet population. But are there any other benefits to spaying/neutering? Are there any negative…...

Going on Holiday: Boarding Your Dog
Going on vacation is meant to be a relaxing experience. But when you have a dog or two who are not going on holidays with you, time away from them can be stressful –…...

Grooming Your Dog
No matter your breed of dog, they all need to be groomed. Grooming consists of brushing, bathing, nail trimming, ear cleaning, as well as brushing their teeth....

Hand Stripping Your Dog
Certain breeds of dog require their coat to be stripped by hand at least twice each year. Once taught an owner should be able to carry out this procedure for themselves....

Looking After & Homing Newborn Puppies
Your dog has just delivered a litter of healthy puppies. In order to help them remain healthy and prepare them for a great life – in someone else’s home – you have a…...

Looking After a Pregnant Dog
The pitter-patter of puppy paws. Nothing is more precious than a litter of newborn puppies. However, in order for mum to give birth to a healthy litter, her owners…...

Natural Remedies
In many instances there is no reason to use harsh chemical treatments for a dog’s minor ailments. For centuries natural and alternative treatments have been used…...

The Benefits of Hydrotherapy
How hydrotherapy helps in different ways, from speeding up post-surgery recovery and healing from injuries to improving general muscle tone and fitness....

When the End Comes
Arranging your dog’s final resting-place is the last service you can give to a faithful family friend who will be remembered forever....

When to Go to the Vet?
Every year we take our dogs to the vet for an annual check-up. Most of the time, dogs come out of the exam with a clean bill of health, plus a couple of vaccinations.…...

When You Can't Look After Your Dog
No one can look into the future and see what is in store for us or our pets. There are times in our lives when we can no longer take care of our pets and we need to…...

Worm Prevention and Treatment
Worms. Not something you want the vet saying your dog has. Worms found in dogs are just as unpleasant to look at as the ones found on the ground, but are not the same....